Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Sat Sri Akaal!
I have just finished my Punjabi exam. I flew throug that exam! I am really excited about winter break. I'm going with my uncle to Agraa. Hehe I'm glad I'm not going to Delhi because to what I've heard it will be really crappy.Well I'll post once I'm in Agraa!
Sat Sri Akaal!
I have just finished my Punjabi exam. I flew throug that exam! I am really excited about winter break. I'm going with my uncle to Agraa. Hehe I'm glad I'm not going to Delhi because to what I've heard it will be really crappy.Well I'll post once I'm in Agraa!
Friday, October 26, 2007
Sat Sri Akaal!
Well I am glad that after so many days i had time to update my blog. Things hav been very busy nowadays since 40 day seva/sadhana started. Nowadays I haven't been doing bucket seva because they are draining the sarovar for some reason. So now to fill the buckets you need to stand on a little bar and fill it up, which is really dangerous. I have been doing parshad seva now instead. If you are wondering what I mean about parshad seva, its when I carry the parshad in the Golden Temple. Seva is a beautiful thing because when you see how devoted the sevadars are, you, yourself get devoted to doing it. I have been doing loads of gatka nowadays and yesterday I learnt how to do the Lathi. The Lathi are sticks that are as tall as you and when you swing they go above your head and hit the opponents stick. It quite fun you know. Well kick-in time is close so i better get going.
Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh!
Sat Sri Akaal!
Well I am glad that after so many days i had time to update my blog. Things hav been very busy nowadays since 40 day seva/sadhana started. Nowadays I haven't been doing bucket seva because they are draining the sarovar for some reason. So now to fill the buckets you need to stand on a little bar and fill it up, which is really dangerous. I have been doing parshad seva now instead. If you are wondering what I mean about parshad seva, its when I carry the parshad in the Golden Temple. Seva is a beautiful thing because when you see how devoted the sevadars are, you, yourself get devoted to doing it. I have been doing loads of gatka nowadays and yesterday I learnt how to do the Lathi. The Lathi are sticks that are as tall as you and when you swing they go above your head and hit the opponents stick. It quite fun you know. Well kick-in time is close so i better get going.
Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh!
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Sat Sri Akaal!
Now I'm trying to update my blog more often because now that im in an interesting place more peolple will read my blog. We are really buisy this week because tommorow we have a Gatka jaloos.Uh oh i better get going kick-in is in 5 minutes. Ok Bye!
Sat Sri Akaal!
Now I'm trying to update my blog more often because now that im in an interesting place more peolple will read my blog. We are really buisy this week because tommorow we have a Gatka jaloos.Uh oh i better get going kick-in is in 5 minutes. Ok Bye!
Friday, October 05, 2007
yo people... Amitoj's Friend here... (Bhagatshan Singh Powar)
what's up amitoj? How u doin in MPA?
I dont get this picture... what is it supposed to be? Is it mocking?
yo people... Amitoj's Friend here... (Bhagatshan Singh Powar)
what's up amitoj? How u doin in MPA?
I dont get this picture... what is it supposed to be? Is it mocking?

Sunday, September 16, 2007
I finally made it to M.P.A! I am really happy with my decision, more happy than I expected it to be. Last night we had a skit competition and our house won. I was a Chinese guy."I wonder why?". Ha ha and it was really fun. Guru Raj won the best intermediate actor because he exaggerated really good on one part and Akeen won the best senior actor. He did a pretty good job with chameleon man.Right now I'm waiting for my parents to send me my football gear I'm going to take the measurements today if I'm not jumping over bushes. The story with jumping over bushes was that Guru Raj and Dev Amrit jumped a half-cutten bush so I tried to do it and while I was in mid-air my foot got stuck in the wire and i stop jumping in mid-air. Then I laugh to hard to pull myself together. For some reason people find it amusing that I am from Nevada. I don't see why it so amusing. Well I'll get going now and i"ll keep on re posting!
I finally made it to M.P.A! I am really happy with my decision, more happy than I expected it to be. Last night we had a skit competition and our house won. I was a Chinese guy."I wonder why?". Ha ha and it was really fun. Guru Raj won the best intermediate actor because he exaggerated really good on one part and Akeen won the best senior actor. He did a pretty good job with chameleon man.Right now I'm waiting for my parents to send me my football gear I'm going to take the measurements today if I'm not jumping over bushes. The story with jumping over bushes was that Guru Raj and Dev Amrit jumped a half-cutten bush so I tried to do it and while I was in mid-air my foot got stuck in the wire and i stop jumping in mid-air. Then I laugh to hard to pull myself together. For some reason people find it amusing that I am from Nevada. I don't see why it so amusing. Well I'll get going now and i"ll keep on re posting!
Sunday, June 10, 2007
SSA! Nothing today but a lazy Sunday. My dads buying a 7-11 so he has to go back to training. He has to go to training for 6 weeks. Now he only has 2 weeks left! I'm been lazy now-a-days because I don't update my blog as much. Got to go, I'll update later. SSA!
SSA! Nothing today but a lazy Sunday. My dads buying a 7-11 so he has to go back to training. He has to go to training for 6 weeks. Now he only has 2 weeks left! I'm been lazy now-a-days because I don't update my blog as much. Got to go, I'll update later. SSA!