Saturday, June 10, 2006
Ssa Everybody!
Today is my lucky day. I got a free Limited Edition Giants Baseball. One of the nice customers Dennis gave me the baseball. I'll take a picture and post it. I'm sorry I'm not updating my blog so often I'll try to update it more often. I've been really sick for the past few days. I was supposed to go to my friends house for a sleep-over but because I was so sick I coud'nt go and this time we were going to go to a coll waterpark. Now I'm Ok and I'm ready and desperate to go out. Well today I saw Horse-Racing on T.V. the whole racing thing was abot Barbaro (The Wonder Horse). Everyone was encouraging Barbaro to get well. They say he is doing pretty well everyday. Well I'll post some more day by day. I'll be online soon.
Ssa Everybody!
Today is my lucky day. I got a free Limited Edition Giants Baseball. One of the nice customers Dennis gave me the baseball. I'll take a picture and post it. I'm sorry I'm not updating my blog so often I'll try to update it more often. I've been really sick for the past few days. I was supposed to go to my friends house for a sleep-over but because I was so sick I coud'nt go and this time we were going to go to a coll waterpark. Now I'm Ok and I'm ready and desperate to go out. Well today I saw Horse-Racing on T.V. the whole racing thing was abot Barbaro (The Wonder Horse). Everyone was encouraging Barbaro to get well. They say he is doing pretty well everyday. Well I'll post some more day by day. I'll be online soon.
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh!!!
Sat Sri Akal!
As all of you know today was a life changing day for all the Sikhs around the world. 22 years back the Akal Takhat,The Highest Seat of the Sikhs, Was martyred. The attak on the Akal Takht was planned by the Indian goverment as Operation Bluestar. Here are the photos of the Akal Takht.
Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh!!!
Sat Sri Akal!
As all of you know today was a life changing day for all the Sikhs around the world. 22 years back the Akal Takhat,The Highest Seat of the Sikhs, Was martyred. The attak on the Akal Takht was planned by the Indian goverment as Operation Bluestar. Here are the photos of the Akal Takht.
These are the pictures of the Akal Takht before and after. But There are some heros that most of us don't have a clue how they look. Well I have a small picture of the few Sikhs who were martyred. Here it is:
This event shook the world. But The Sikhs will and always be the Singh or the Lion.
JO HOE!!!"