Saturday, September 10, 2005

this is my friend mike who races dirt bikes, Amitoj loves bikes and i hope he can see these pictures. These were taken about 30 miles east of Reno

this is my friend mike who races dirt bikes, Amitoj loves bikes and i hope he can see these pictures. These were taken about 30 miles east of Reno
By 11:40 PM
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By 5:47 AM
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awe!!! this is too cute. keep it up dad!!! my daughter's a year old now and i started a blog for her but lost her username and password and now it's sitting out there in the oblivian...but i can't wait until she can start one for herself.
By 6:07 PM
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Amitoj hasn't had a chance to look at the blog yet, I am just trying to update it for himonce in a while